Page 1 of 7 Results 1 - 10 of 64

Errata Entries Order by:  Page Number  Reported By  Reported On  Fixed In Build
Pg: 375
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 29
Reported On: 2020-03-31
Reported By: ardurn
Location: 12.5.3 Last line of point 4
Old Text:
You could create a Predicate out of the equals method like this - Predicate equals = Predicate.isEquals(c1);.
New Text:
You could create a Predicate out of the equals method like this - Predicate equals = Predicate.isEqual(c1);
It should be isEquals instead of isEquals.
Pg: 371
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-24
Reported By: Flex567
Location: 12.5.3
Old Text:
1. default Predicateor(Predicateother) :
New Text:
1. default Predicateand(Predicateother) :

Pg: 369
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 14
Reported On: 2018-12-11
Reported By: Flex567
Location: 12.5.2 - Parts of a Lambda expression
Old Text:
(a, b, c) -> a + b + c; //valid ... a ->a + 2; //valid a - >return a + 2; //invalid, must not have return keyword
New Text:
(a, b, c) -> a + b + c //valid ... a ->a + 2 //valid a - >return a + 2 //invalid, must not have return keyword
Sample lambda expressions should not have semi-colons at the end.
Pg: 362
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-21
Reported By: natasci
Location: 12.4.2 example 4
Old Text:
New Text:

Pg: 353
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 18
Reported On: 2019-04-26
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 12.4.1
Old Text:
//insert an object at index 2 al.add(2, "david"); //remove object at index 0 al.remove(0); //process objects in the list for(Object o : al){
New Text:
al.add(2, "david");//insert an object at index 2 al.remove(0);//remove object at index 0 for(Object o : al){ //process objects in the list
Comments are off by a line
Pg: 351
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 15
Reported On: 2019-01-21
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 11.5.2 last line
Old Text:
Since the declared type of the variable x1 is Object,...
New Text:
Since the declared type of the variable x2 is Object,...
The variable being passed as an argument is x2 and its declared type is Object.
Pg: 351
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 18
Reported On: 2019-04-24
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 12.3.6 point 1
Old Text:
You should change the second line to ld = ld.plusMonths(2).plusDays(10); if you want to see 2018-02-10 in the output.
New Text:
You should change the second line to ld = ld.plusMonths(2).plusDays(10); if you want to see 2018-03-11 in the output.

Pg: 345
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-23
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 12.3.2 Creating a Date/Time object using the static parse methods
Old Text:
You need to be aware of three such variables - ISO DATE, ISO TIME, and ISO DATE TIME - because when you don’t pass a formatter to the parse methods, these are the formatters that the parse methods use internally to parse the string. Lo- calDate uses ISO DATE, LocalTime uses ISO TIME, and LocalDateTime uses ISO LOCAL DATE TIME to parse the given string. Thus, for example, invoking LocalDate.parse("2018-02-14"); will produce the same result as invoking LocalDate.parse("2018-02-14", DateTimeFormat- ter.ISO DATE);
New Text:
You need to be aware of three such variables - ISO_LOCAL_DATE, ISO_LOCAL_TIME, and ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME - because when you don’t pass a formatter to the parse methods, these are the formatters that the parse methods use internally to parse the string. Lo- calDate uses ISO_LOCAL_DATE, LocalTime uses ISO_LOCAL_TIME, and LocalDateTime uses ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME to parse the given string. Thus, for example, invoking LocalDate.parse("2018-02-14"); will produce the same result as invoking LocalDate.parse("2018-02-14", DateTimeFormat- ter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
The default formatters use the "local" versions. So, ISO_DATE should changed to ISO_LOCAL_DATE and so on.
Pg: 322
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 18
Reported On: 2019-04-10
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 11.6 Exercise 2
Old Text:
System.out.println(r.getChannel()); //should print 0
New Text:
System.out.println(t.getChannel()); //should print 0

Pg: 320
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 17
Reported On: 2019-03-27
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 11.5.2
Old Text:
if( ! x instanceof X ) return false;
New Text:
if( ! (x instanceof X) ) return false;
x instanceof X should be in brackets

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