Page 2 of 7 Results 11 - 20 of 64

Errata Entries Order by:  Page Number  Reported By  Reported On  Fixed In Build
Pg: 308
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-16
Reported By: natasci
Location: 11.3.1 (Under "the ClassCastException")
Old Text:
Mango m = new Mango(); Apple a = (Mango) m;
New Text:
Mango m = new Mango(); Apple a = (Apple) m;

Pg: 294
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 17
Reported On: 2019-03-19
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 10.4 Exceptions thrown by Application Programmer
Old Text:
datatype != 1 || datatype != 2
New Text:
datatype != 1 && datatype != 2
Not relevant to the discussion but incorrect nonetheless.
Pg: 292
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 08
Reported On: 2018-11-20
Reported By: --
Location: 10.4 - Exceptions thrown by Application Programmer
Old Text:
New Text:
Mistake in typesetting of the paperback version. Kindle version is fine.
Pg: 272
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 07
Reported On: 2018-10-17
Reported By: Arold Aroldson
Location: 10.2.0 - differentiate-among-checked-exceptions-unchecked-exceptions-and-errors
Old Text:
Diagram showing various exceptions shows ClassCastException under checked exceptions
New Text:
Diagram showing various exceptions shows ClassCastException under unchecked exceptions
Associated text is correct. Only the diagram is incorrect.
Pg: 263
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 17
Reported On: 2019-03-07
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 9.3.4
Old Text:
B b = new B(); B b = new B(); //creating B’s object again
New Text:
B b = new B(); B b2 = new B(); //creating B’s object again

Pg: 261
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 17
Reported On: 2019-03-09
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 9.3.2 - Constructor chain diagram
Old Text:
New Text:
In the flowchart illustrating the constructor chain flow, the print statements of the two Employee constructors need to be swapped.
Pg: 252
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 29
Reported On: 2020-03-31
Reported By: ardurn
Location: 12.3.4 point 4
Old Text:
Using the isEquals method - ... isBefore/isAfter/isEquals
New Text:
Using the isEqual method - ... isBefore/isAfter/isEqual

Pg: 243
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-03-02
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 9.2.3 abstract and static
Old Text:
class Bed extends Furniture{
New Text:
abstract class Bed extends Furniture{
class Bed should be abstract. Although the code still won't compile because of the reason mentioned before.
Pg: 242
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 14
Reported On: 2019-01-07
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 9.3.2 - Valid combinations of access modifiers, abstract, final, and static
Old Text:
class Sofa
New Text:
abstract class Sofa
Although not relevant for this discussion, the Cclass shown under "Impact of access modifiers on abstract and final" should be abstract.
Pg: 237
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 12
Reported On: 2019-01-04
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 9.1.5 Benefits of Inheritance
Old Text:
For example, in the class hierarchy consisting of the CurrentAccount, SavingsAccount, and RetirementAccount classes...
New Text:
For example, in the class hierarchy consisting of the Account, CheckingAccount, and SavingsAccount classes...

Page 2 of 7 Results 11 - 20 of 64