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Errata Entries Order by:  Page Number  Reported By  Reported On  Fixed In Build
Pg: 192
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-16
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 8.3.3 - Accessing static members from the same class
Old Text:
new InstanceCounter(); new InstanceCounter(); //accessing static method through an implicit reference to an instance 8.3 Apply the static keyword to methods and fields 193 new InstanceCounter().printCount(); //accessing count through the class name System.out.println(InstanceCounter.count);
New Text:
new InstanceCounter().printCount(); //accessing static method through an implicit reference to an instance System.out.println(InstanceCounter.count); //accessing count through the class name
The two new InstanceCounter() statements are not needed and the comments should be moved to the corresponding statements.
Pg: 203
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-17
Reported By: username987654
Location: 8.4.3
Old Text:
free to manage acctIt in its own way but
New Text:
free to manage acctId in its own way but
acctIt should be acctId
Pg: 345
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-05-23
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 12.3.2 Creating a Date/Time object using the static parse methods
Old Text:
You need to be aware of three such variables - ISO DATE, ISO TIME, and ISO DATE TIME - because when you don’t pass a formatter to the parse methods, these are the formatters that the parse methods use internally to parse the string. Lo- calDate uses ISO DATE, LocalTime uses ISO TIME, and LocalDateTime uses ISO LOCAL DATE TIME to parse the given string. Thus, for example, invoking LocalDate.parse("2018-02-14"); will produce the same result as invoking LocalDate.parse("2018-02-14", DateTimeFormat- ter.ISO DATE);
New Text:
You need to be aware of three such variables - ISO_LOCAL_DATE, ISO_LOCAL_TIME, and ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME - because when you don’t pass a formatter to the parse methods, these are the formatters that the parse methods use internally to parse the string. Lo- calDate uses ISO_LOCAL_DATE, LocalTime uses ISO_LOCAL_TIME, and LocalDateTime uses ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME to parse the given string. Thus, for example, invoking LocalDate.parse("2018-02-14"); will produce the same result as invoking LocalDate.parse("2018-02-14", DateTimeFormat- ter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
The default formatters use the "local" versions. So, ISO_DATE should changed to ISO_LOCAL_DATE and so on.
Pg: 95
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-06-19
Reported By: username987654
Location: 4.1.2
Old Text:
boolean[] ba = new boolean[3]; //an array of booleans of size 2
New Text:
boolean[] ba = new boolean[3]; //an array of booleans of size 3

Pg: 131
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 19
Reported On: 2019-06-20
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 5.1.6
Old Text:
will be grouped as a = ( b = (c = 5) ;
New Text:
will be grouped as a = ( b = (c = 5)) ;
Closing bracket is missing.
Pg: 44
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 20
Reported On: 2019-07-29
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 2.4.1
Old Text:
Thus, you cannot use the simple name Values in your code if you haven’t imported taxes.* or taxes.Test already using the regular import statement.
New Text:
Thus, you cannot use the simple name Values in your code if you haven’t imported taxes.* or taxes.Values already using the regular import statement.
taxes.Test should be changed to taxes.Values.
Pg: 51
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 20
Reported On: 2019-07-30
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 2.7
Old Text:
If a subclass overrides a method of a base class and if the object referred to by a variable is of type subclass, then the subclass’s version of the method is used even if the declared type of the variable is of base class. This is also called .
New Text:
If a subclass overrides a method of a base class and if the object referred to by a variable is of type subclass, then the subclass’s version of the method is used even if the declared type of the variable is of base class. This is also called dynamic binding.
The words "dynamic binding" are missing at the end.
Pg: 61
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 20
Reported On: 2019-07-30
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 3.3.1
Old Text:
Object obj2 = obj; //initializing obj using another reference
New Text:
Object obj2 = obj; //initializing obj2 using another reference

Pg: 141
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 24
Reported On: 2019-11-24
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 6.1.2 Usage of if and if-else in the exam
Old Text:
boolean flag = false; if( flag ) ; else System.out.println("false"); }
New Text:
boolean flag = false; if( flag ) ; else System.out.println("false");
Closing curly brace at the end should be removed.
Pg: 167
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 30
Reported On: 2020-05-12
Reported By: saregg
Location: 7.5.2 last para
Old Text:
New Text:

Page 2 of 7 Results 11 - 20 of 64