Potentially out of scope questions

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Potentially out of scope questions

Post by dimitrilc »

The book by Hanumant said that wrapper classes are not on the exam, so why does this question expects you to know the Short constructor?

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Re: About Question enthuware.ocpjp.i.v11.2.1087 :

Post by admin »

The problem with official exam objectives is that they are not always fine grained. For some topics they have mentioned class level details while for some topics, they have mentioned only broad level topic name.

Since, this is relatively a very new exam, it is not possible to know exactly how much detail the exam requires on a particular topic. That is why the book discusses wrappers but makes it clear that it is not on official exam objectives. Surgical cuts while discussing topic to keep strictly within requirements of the exam while not missing out anything is not really possible.

The mock exams do broaden the scope a little bit to make sure the student is not surprised in the exam. Yes, it does requires a little more effort but we believe it is better to study a little more than a little less because failure by one question will hurt a lot.

So, in general:

Exam Objectives < Book < Mock Exams
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