Help about 1Z0-819 exam preparation

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Help about 1Z0-819 exam preparation

Post by pakopakeo »

Hi everyone!! At the end of October I have the 1Z0-819 exam and I am scared. I have done the foundation and standart tests from 1 to 15 and I have all passed them successfully on the first attempt at around 72-78% of score. Would I be able to take the exam or should I try to get a higher score in the tests? Thank you very much for this fantastic product. Greetings

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Re: Help about 1Z0-819 exam preparation

Post by admin »

In general, 72 - 78% on first attempt is good. But I am concerned that you took all 15 tests and your score improved only from 72 to 78%. After 10 tests, your score should have touched 80%. If it did not then that means, there is some underlying issue because of which your score did not improve much. Either you need to read more theory or need more practice or something else.

Anyway, what were you scores on the last 3 unique tests?

If you scored about 78% on the unique tests on first attempt (i.e. you had not seen any of those questions earlier even once), then I would say you have a very good chance of passing the exam.

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Re: Help about 1Z0-819 exam preparation

Post by pakopakeo »

admin wrote:
Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:04 am
In general, 72 - 78% on first attempt is good. But I am concerned that you took all 15 tests and your score improved only from 72 to 78%. After 10 tests, your score should have touched 80%. If it did not then that means, there is some underlying issue because of which your score did not improve much. Either you need to read more theory or need more practice or something else.

Anyway, what were you scores on the last 3 unique tests?

If you scored about 78% on the unique tests on first attempt (i.e. you had not seen any of those questions earlier even once), then I would say you have a very good chance of passing the exam.

Thanks for your reply. So far I have not done any unique test. I would like to finish test 16 earlier and then perform the unique tests. Regarding the score, if I have touched 80-82% in 2-3 tests, but the normal thing as I said is about 72-78%. Do you recommend any guidelines to follow in these weeks to try to improve? Thanks

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Re: Help about 1Z0-819 exam preparation

Post by admin »

Nothing special. Just try to be more careful/focused while answering the questions (just like you will do in the real exam). Also, try to identify areas where you make most mistakes and read up on those topics.
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