Passed OCPJP7. Thanks Enthuware!

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Passed OCPJP7. Thanks Enthuware!

Post by FruityPebbles »

I passed OCPJP7 with 85%. Thank you Enthuware for the excellent mock exams!

I have some feedback:

1. I would have preferred shorter mock exams. I think it's good that some of the exams - especially the last day exam - are the same length as the actual exam. But I think more, shorter exams would have been more helpful just for practical reasons. It's easier to find an hour to do a mock exam than finding 2 or 3 hours (exam time plus reviewing answers).

2. More questions would have been good. The mock exams hit all the major topics that I saw on the actual exam, but there were some minor details that showed up on the actual exam that I didn't see in the mock exams. This is a tough one, since OCPJP7 covers such a wide range of topics. Sorry I can't remember any specific details for you - I was kind of beat after finishing the exam. :)

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Re: Passed OCPJP7. Thanks Enthuware!

Post by admin »

Congratulations on passing! Glad to know our s/w was helpful.
The Standard Tests are meant to simulate the actual exam and so they are the same length. But you may easily create your own customized test that contain less number of questions.
Also, when you want to utilize small amounts of free time (instead of taking out full 2-3 hours), best option is to use leitner mode, which gives you as many questions you can answer in the time that you specify.

We will work on improving the coverage even further. But if you remember any topic or thing that startled you in the exam, please do let us know.

If you like our products and services, please help us by posting your review here.

Alexey Berezkin
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Re: Passed OCPJP7. Thanks Enthuware!

Post by Alexey Berezkin »

I've passed OCP JavaSE7 with 85% like previous poster. Thanks Enthuware team for great questions. Some feedback emphasizing mock and real exam comparison below.

1. First, Enthuware Mock exams are like real exams with very high kindship rate. Great work guys.

2. I didn't feel that the real exam is much easier than mocks. In latter I scored 82% (average for 6 tests). Not such a great difference than it was in OCA (mocks: scored less than 90%, real: scored 98%). However, maybe I was unlucky with quesions :)

3. On real exams there are really unclear problem statements, and which answer is correct depends on which statement interpretation the vendor likes more. Yet, there may be questions where vendor relies not on API documentation but rather on experience running examples, see 4.3. Happily, there are no too much such vague quesions, I encountered only 2.

4. Topics not covered in mocks:

4.1. Class A declares public static final X; interface I declares public staic final X; class B extends A implements I; in static B.main() the X is referenced without a type. What will be the result? (Answer: compilation fails because this reference is ambiguous. I thought A.X will prevail and answered incorrectly).

4.2. In the class A there is Inner non-static class declared; in the body of nonstatic A.go() method there is also inner class named Inner; in the same method the inner class instantiated like following: Inner(), but this instantiation is before in-method Inner class is declared. What will be the result? (Answer: in-class Inner will be instantiated; had the instantiation been after in-method Inner declaration then in-method Inner instance would have been created. I thought declaration and instantiation order does not matter and chose in-method X to be created which was incorrect).

4.3. BufferedReader.mark(int limit): what will happen if limit exceeds? (Answer: API documentation does not tell what will happen exactly, allowing even IOException; however, if you try to compile and run you will see everything OK and reset() will work with no problem. I guessed that calling reset() won't have effect (neither rewinding the stream nor throwing exception) which most likely was considered incorrect).

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Re: Passed OCPJP7. Thanks Enthuware!

Post by admin »

Congratulations on passing, Alexey and thank you very much for your valuable feedback.
We will incorporate questions covering these aspects asap.

If you like our products and services, please help us by posting your review here.

Alexey Berezkin
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:17 am

Re: Passed OCPJP7. Thanks Enthuware!

Post by Alexey Berezkin »

Thanks Paul! See you next time I decide passing some other exam, bye.

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