1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

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1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by JJJ2020 »


I am still loving the book. There are a smattering of typos here and there which really don't severely detract from the understanding, but might as well be fixed from my point of view. :P

So here are a few I've noticed in whatever order. More likely they are the ones where I was holding a pen than any more serious nature of them.

Near the end of 3.3.1 we write "a primitive variables and a reference variables" -- decide on singular or plural and stick with it, so lose the 'a's or the 's's.
Right after that it seems like we meant for something to be a heading boxed or separated by a colon, like this?
"Naming Rules For a Variable: A variable name"
I was being dense but I had to re-read the line three times to see it was just a formatting error and not some weird shade of meaning.

Section 3.1 right after the boxed area on p. 44 in the 2nd line we say "to be of type the int" -- either swap 'the' and 'type' saying "the type int" or maybe "the int type" would also be good. If whoever is reading this knows Java, know how crazy I get over people calling "the Object class" "the class Object" since of course there is also a "Class class" that has instances which are "objects of type Class" or "Class objects" for short...

just below there where we describe Primitive Data Types we say "when working with raw data such AS ..." the word 'as' was dropped making the sentence break gramatically.

Point 7 on page 55. We accidentally write "one or more ocal digits" where we meant octal.
We also write "one of more binary digits" instead of "one or more"
The fact that this information is even here makes me appreciate the lack of "surgical cuts" around highly useful material immediately adjacent to exam objectives. Passing a test will most likely get you a Java job where you need to do Java to succeed, not get you excused from combat. Anyway...

p. 56, code box example. The comment in the "short s = 300; //" line should reference s not c.

p. 60, the first code box. The reference to 'x = 30 ' should instead be 'tc.x = 30'
As it is, it is true it won't compile, but it won't compile for two reasons, one being the attempt to reference an instance variable in a static method, the other that the instance variable is declared final, which was the point we intended to make here.

There are others, I will try to be more careful about noting them down, because the overall quality of this text is superlative. It really covers a lot of things that people, both novices and the careless, frequently get wrong, that are just not covered in many more superficial treatements.


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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by JJJ2020 »

A few more...

I read chapters 4, 5 and 6. Excellent stuff.
I wrote down most things, I think I missed writing down a couple...
on page 68 where we say that a declaration looks like <type name> <variable name>;
of course we are just stating what most readers know already, but it really looks like there isn't a space between the two parts, which made me stare at it for a while before moving on, like when someone says something that might be insulting or might just be nothing...I'd like the space to be more obvious.

On p. 69 where we say that new, deserialization and cloning are the only ways to get an object, I thought there are some from reflection too. It comes up on p. 91 again too -- I am not even sure about the reflection thing but I thought I remembered such a possibility.
Beyond the scope of the first exam, for sure, but who knows what 819 is really going to look like, which is what many readers will eventually take I think.

At the top of p. 70, "you can not assign just about any object"...this isn't strictly *wrong*, but most Americans for sure, and I think most English speakers would find the simpler wording "you can't assign just any object" to fit better in this sentence. We use the term "just about any" when we want to emphasize that almost any choice in the world would work. The sense here is that only very few types of all possible ones that will fit, not the fact that there exist any at all that will not.

Near the bottom of p. 88, "Here are examples of a invalid usages" -- drop the indefinite article "a" before invalid, it doesn't fit right there.

p. 93, last paragraph before box at bottom "of such interconnected objects that become eligible for garbage COLLECTED if none" -- we are varying between "for garbage collection" and "to be garbage collected" to make the sentence less boring and easier to pay attention to, but we dropped the ball there and mixed the words. Either "for garbage collection" or "to be garbage collected" will work...tiny detail but SUCH a big paragraph, it is a very important one.

p. 94 -- "Java also allows you create your own threads" Now this is not some hard and fast universal rule, but I noticed several places in the book where I wanted to mention something, that I think is not only about American English, but somewhat more Universal. Allow and let are synonyms, BUT - we normally say the phrases "they let you do something" and "they allow you TO do something". You could say "they allow you do something" or "let you TO do something" but we normally don't, at least very much in USA and Canada. I don't think it is a hard and fast rule, but I thought of a variety of sentences, and they seemed consistent "They don't let you smoke on the train!!" "Are we allowed to eat in this lab?" etc. etc. Just beating it to death because I think I saw this in a few places, either one way or the other, and just wrinkled my nose.

p. 104 "The += operator" begins saying "In the chapter on operators, we saw that" -- in this version of the book, the current chapter on String class has been moved BEFORE the chapter on operators. In other places we politely excuse ourselves for making use of something we will look at more closely in the next chapter, a few words to that effect now belong here. I have another leading book covering the same material, and it is fascinating how differently they are sequenced -- there is no perfect ordering, I like this one, but I believe it changed from an earlier version and that line is a holdover.

p. 118 intro...."It is therefore important to know what all operators does Java have" -- comes off as awkward, I would say something like "It is therefore important to know about all the operators that Java has" seems to go down smoother. Getting it right is worthwhile because the reader is about to launch into a whole exciting chapter at that moment...
p. 123, main paragraph in top box: "Thus, if you have a expression" 'a' ==> 'an'

p. 124 first column of table, the operator is universally referred to as "? :" not ": ?" as displayed. Also, it is so commonly called "the conditional operator" on the street (and the web) that it seems remiss not to mention that in the description.

p. 125 the first comment in the "Compound Assignment" box doesn't match the code shown. Value shown is 2, comment describes value 1. Possibly just delete the comment as it seems to be a copy-paste remnant?

p. 128 -- Interestingly, I never think of cast as a binary relationship between a value expression and a type. I normally thought of (TYPE)expression to represent a unary operator casting expression to TYPE, but interesting way of thinking about it as a (PREFIX)infix kind of thing. This is deeper philosophy If we think of the operator as being ( ) instead of (int) then it is binary with int being one operand and the expression the other. I just never thought about it that way....
p. 128 instanceof has incorrect comments for the 2nd and 3rd code examples in the box, the reference variable in question is obj not s.

p. 130 near middle of page, 6.1.3...."is composed of a two parts" -- just drop the " a ". Tiny, but happens in the middle of explaining some very subtle and tricky stuff people get wrong their whole lives, so every little bit of readability helps...

p. 137 -- which stands for "...Addition and Subtration" <-- Subtraction, trivial typo.

Anyway, great stuff. I am very much looking forward to the next six chapters which I will start in the morning...


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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by admin »

>On p. 69 where we say that new, deserialization and cloning are the only ways to get an object, I thought there are some from reflection too. It comes up on p. 91 again too -- I am not even sure about the reflection thing but I thought I remembered such a possibility.
Agreed. Should mention reflection also. May be it was omitted because the Javadoc API description of Class newInstance, it says, "The class is instantiated as if by a new expression with an empty argument list. "

>At the top of p. 70, "you can not assign just about any object"...this isn't strictly *wrong*, but most Americans for sure, and I think most English speakers would find the simpler wording "you can't assign just any object" to fit better in this sentence.


>Near the bottom of p. 88, "Here are examples of a invalid usages" -- drop the indefinite article "a" before invalid, it doesn't fit right there.

>p. 93, last paragraph before box at bottom "of such interconnected objects that become eligible for garbage COLLECTED if none"


>p. 94 -- "Java also allows you create your own threads"

Noted. It is a typo because I searched all text and "to" is there in all the places except this and on page 291 (where to is mistyped as "the").

>p. 104 "The += operator" begins saying "In the chapter on operators, we saw that" --
Yes, that should be fixed.

>p. 118 intro...."It is therefore important to know what all operators does Java have" -- comes off as awkward, I would say something like "It is therefore important to know about all the operators that Java has" seems to go down smoother.

Right, that definitely sounds a lot better. Will fix.

>p. 123, main paragraph in top box: "Thus, if you have a expression" 'a' ==> 'an'


>p. 124 first column of table, the operator is universally referred to as "? :" not ": ?" as displayed. Also, it is so commonly called "the conditional operator" on the street (and the web) that it seems remiss not to mention that in the description.


>p. 125 the first comment in the "Compound Assignment" box doesn't match the code shown. Value shown is 2, comment describes value 1. Possibly just delete the comment as it seems to be a copy-paste remnant?


>p. 128 -- Interestingly, I never think of cast as a binary relationship between a value expression and a type. I normally thought of (TYPE)expression to represent a unary operator casting expression to TYPE, but interesting way of thinking about it as a (PREFIX)infix kind of thing. This is deeper philosophy If we think of the operator as being ( ) instead of (int) then it is binary with int being one operand and the expression the other. I just never thought about it that way....

Good point. Since it requires two operands (one within the parantheses and one on the right), it was mentioned as binary.

>p. 128 instanceof has incorrect comments for the 2nd and 3rd code examples in the box, the reference variable in question is obj not s.


>p. 130 near middle of page, 6.1.3...."is composed of a two parts" -- just drop the " a ". Tiny, but happens in the middle of explaining some very subtle and tricky stuff people get wrong their whole lives, so every little bit of readability helps...


>p. 137 -- which stands for "...Addition and Subtration" <-- Subtraction, trivial typo.


Thanks again for the detailed feedback. It is embarrassing that even after reviews, such typos are there. Please accept our apologies. We will do a better job next time.

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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by JJJ2020 »

Hi Paul:

I felt most of the things I pointed out were non-controversial and mostly on the level of typos only, with only a couple of things touching upon Standard English Usage or Grammar. There is only one thing that rises to the level of stylistic criticism or standards of English, I think, but it is sort of a big one.
Close to half of everyone I've worked with for past 15 years, and more than half of my favorite co-workers and those who I ate lunch with the most times, etc. etc. were educated on the Subcontinent. I am very interested in Indian Cuisine, Culture, Music, Geography, etc. etc. -- I watch instructional videos and tutorials on YouTube as long as they are in English, working on understanding the many accents from different parts of India is something I consider an important job skill. I can't tell you how many times that I have had to phone someone riding home on a very noisy bus on their cellphone, late, late at night in their time zone, to secure some information or remove some doubt that was preventing me from completing a task I had promised to complete that day during my time zone. Probably six of my favorite ten restaurants have been Indian for most times since before I was allowed to drink beer.

So I am all about local flavor, color, etc. -- that is just fine. But, I have to draw the line at "Updation". I know this is an increasing trend within India, but on material that is aimed to be world class I strongly prefer to see only "Update" or "Updating" depending on the sentence. I have now read many thousands of sentences of this book, and it is clear that it strives to be one of the best books written on the topics for anyone who can read English, regardless of geography. I looked up in Google and tried to assess the evolving status of the word. It is still regarded as Hinglinsh. I have learned thousands of exciting names, all sorts of geography and history and culture from my co-workers from the Subcontinent. I have added various words into my regular vocabulary in all spheres of life from our interactions, including some variant preferences in technical terms.

I respectfully submit the wisdom of the Updation of this text to remove almost all instances of "Updation" except to say that it is a common variant in IT in India, especially within the database community, but is not considered to be the preferred term by English speakers around the globe. Please say "Update" or "Updating" thru-out the rest of the text. I think that it would be particularly good for the many people who will be working on the ever more common International teams. Everyone should be aware of the term, but not necessarily use it. Sorry to make such a big deal of it, but it is very clear that the strictest attention was taken to the consistent use of the best quality of global English had been taken thru-out the work, and the chapter on flow control and loops was unlikely to be an intentional exception. I will say that with this one exception, I find the usage of English in this work to be superior to that of most of the students I went to school with in the United States, from Kindergarten thru Engineering School.

Another issue I wanted to bring up is that there are various exercises at the end of Chapter 8 that would be very difficult to complete unless one was so familiar with array declaration and usage as to make Chapter 9 nearly unnecessary. I did some of these only after reading Chapter 9, it also caused me to watch a couple of videos on this same topic in Java that I had in my playlist. That was interesting, but I note that the book while careful to remind people there is more to their career than this one test, and to provide pointers outside the scope of the book to material that would be highly useful for using Java effectively at work or on technical interviews -- yet, great attention has been paid to ensuring that if one reads with attention and does the practice exercises, despite staying within the limits of the material in the book only, one should be able to get 90% on the 815 exam. There is no perfect ordering of this material, and in particular nested loops are somewhat pointless without multi-dimensional arrays to make use of them, whereas the multi-dimensional arrays are somewhat sterile and lifeless without nested loops to populate, update and navigate them.

So as it is, I can say that it would appear that in the new edition of the book, some significant re-ordering has been done, and that a substantial percentage of those readers who would benefit from reading Chapter 9 would have difficulty with more than one Chapter 8 exercise before doing so. I fully recognize that placing Chapter 9 material before Chapter 8 would have its own set of difficulties associated with it, but would recommend a little attention to this issue, perhaps a warning that some of the exercises will be easier only if attempted after Chapter 9?


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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by admin »

1. Point noted about "updation". Will be fixed. We sincerely appreciate all the effort that you have taken to point this mistake out so very gently. We would never attribute a reader's suggestion or criticism to any motive other than to make the work better.

2. Point noted about the exercises. Although, since the 815 exam has been discontinued, this book may not be updated anymore but we will keep this in mind for our next book.

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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by JJJ2020 »

I understand that while for the authors who were publishing separate 815 and 816 books, the question could become "Do we just re-title them 819 Part I and 819 Part II?" because there will be only a few %-age points difference in content, as you only had this excellent 815 version completed so far, the whole ongoing status of the book may be in question. I would vote that the quality of the content and the large amount of hard work suggest it should find a way to live on with necessary concessions to changing certification test options.

With that, here's some more of the changes I would suggest:
p. 151 Under box..."are expressions of a numeric types" I would delete either the "a" or the final "s" in "types".
p. 152: "Depending of" or on? Also seen on p. 153. Not sure it is wrong, but I think non-standard, I would suggest "depending on' / 'depends on' as more standard.

p. 176 Under 1st full box: "Observe that the print statement saying Hi was not executed only when" -- this reminds me of "All is not gold that glitters" vs. "All that glitters is not gold" (I always prefer to write 'not all that glitters is gold') -- I would think saying 'the print statement <...> was skipped only when' is clearest for reasons illustrated by the Gold quotes. The point was I had to read the sentence two or three times and noted so.

p. 210 Example 1. of signatures has a lowercase "string" that was meant to be 'String"

p. 212 - Polymorphism appears to have been re-factored to be covered two chapters from this point in the text, not one anymore. ("I will talk about it in the next chapter")

p. 213 the typo "ChareSequence' occurs in a sentence beginning "However, between Object and..."

p. 217 "the main method invoke the doubleIt() method" -- should have been 'invokes'
p. 218 "is that the assignment has no effect of the variable" -- I think we typo'd an 'on' to 'of'...

Top of p. 223 top Section 10. 4. 1 -- "Out of the four activities listed above, you have already seen the details of the first one in the previous section." -- "What you talkin' about Willis?" Loading and initialization including static initializers is now in section 10.5.6, not mentioned at all in 10.3.

p. 229 10.4.3 Overloading Constructors -- "If a class has more than one constructors" <-- I'd just write "constructor" here.

p. 233 Section 10.4.5 1. same thing as above, we haven't seen the section on static initializers at all yet....

p. 234 actual content question not typos. due to constructor chaining, we might not physically see the initialization in every constructor. I think the complicated answer is that we will see it in every constructor chained TO, no constructor that chains from itself to one of those, and to every constructor that is stand-alone and doesn't call any other constructor of the class. That's a bit complicated, but I feel like over the years, there were definitely questions on versions of the exam that tricky (I never took one for credit but looked at them a few times over the years and they seemed to be gotcha-fests at various points in time....it was out-of-scope for the 815 exam, but who knows what the 819 will shape up to look like, and, of course, this book unlike some others is not just 100.00% focused on test questions, but ensuring someone will actually be able to the the job that might get them...

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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by JJJ2020 »

Doh! I hit 'Submit' too soon. One more, than I am off to do the Chapter 10 exercises. (Again, these exercises somewhat distinguish your book from the herd of 'just test questions and answers' texts...)

P. 242 bottom box, I saw a println() that was typo'd to printn()

I enjoyed the first 10 chapters, and even if the test vaporizes [e.g. there are no test takers taking a similarly scoped exam in the future[, I noticed details that I would consider important that I only now realize I flubbed in past interviews, including some where I got the job...this book decidedly retains value for those who intend to be employed writing production-quality Java code. I look forward to the last seven chapters which sound pretty exciting. Obviously, I represent the type of reader who has been coding for years, yet using Java on the side, sloppily and casually. I tentatively deplore Oracle's decision to smoosh 815 and 816 together into 819. It was one thing 18 years ago, but modern Java is just too big to have one short exam for, I feel. It's still a simple language, as long as you make sure to compare it to C++ (!!) Already 816 had a LOT to know on top of 815, and there wasn't a lot to throw out from it that would leave an exam certifying that people were fully competent in Java. I want to know everything in this book whether or not I ever take 819...it is all stuff that would reduce the quality and reliability of one's work in Java if ignored. I'll add one more biographical detail. When asked if I knew Java, I'd always say "Not really" because I didn't formally study it and push thru scoring high on any certification exam. But I still constantly found mistakes in co-workers code that I was looking at for whatever reason, wherever I'd go, which they would proceed to correct. It made sense to go the distance and "really know it" but I didn't bite the bullet until I found myself between jobs for the first time in a really long time, and looking at some great places that were "All Java all the time" for whom "Kinda sorta knowing Java" was not an endearing attribute for a prospective employee. Cheers!

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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by JJJ2020 »

Chapter 11 is small and near-perfect w.r.t. any typos, save for:
end of 11.1.1 p. 247 "any clue as to what features does it support" --> I would make this "any clue as to what features it supports."
What vs. which is a question I wouldn't even get into here, but that change make it flow better.

"Java's access modifiers of Java" the repetition goes very well in both Comedy and Rhetoric, here it feels two are too much, go with "Java's access modifiers" or "The access modifiers of Java" I would also supply a definite article for the idiom "come into THE picture" (not capitalized obviously).

Lastly on p. 248, I think, that the comma, feels extra at: "not so, simple" -- I would just use "not so simple" at that spot, and my writing is perceived as comma-heavy by the comma-averse.

Off to the adventure of Chapter 12...


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Re: 1Z0-815 Book (Second Edition, August 1, 2020 Build 2.1) More Typos or Errors

Post by admin »

All noted.
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