My Anti-virus has flagged etsviewer.jar for some virus or as Malware. Is it clean?
We have observed that a few Antivirus software report etsviewer.jar as having a Virus. Specifically, they report Trojan.Maljava or EXP/JAVA.Noiphe.Gen, Java:Malware-gen [Trj], Java.Trojan.Agent.6YRV78, and Java.Malware.
We have investigated this and we have determined that it is flagged because the class files in the jar are obfuscated. This is a false positive and there is no virus or malware in etsviewer.jar. We have also reported this to the anti virus makers.
Here is online Virus Scan Result of etsviewer.jar from Virus Total.
Use a Security Manager
If you are concerned about any fishy activity by the ETS Viewer s/w, you may run it in a sandbox using a Security Manager like this:java\user\johndoe\downloads\etsviewer.policy.txt -jar c:\user\johndoe\downloads\etsviewer.jarHere is the etsviewer.policy.txt policy file that grants the required permissions.
When I try to run it from command line, I get "Error: Invalid or Corrupt jar file"
Please make sure your download is complete. To verify, you can extract the contents of the jar file using any archiving utility such as WinZip, WinRAR, or 7-Zip. If the file is corrupt, you won't be able to extract it. You may also try to download etsviewer.jar from this alternate location. We have changed the extension of the file to renametojar so that you can download it. Once downloaded, please change the extension back to jar to run it.