Page 3 of 7 Results 21 - 30 of 64

Errata Entries Order by:  Page Number  Reported By  Reported On  Fixed In Build
Pg: 147
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-06
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 6.3 Use a switch statement
Old Text:
A allows to you use the ...
New Text:
A switch statement allows you to use the ...

Pg: 103
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-07
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 4.3.1
Old Text:
iaa[0] = new int[2]; //ia[0] points to an array of ints of length 2 iaa[1] = new int[3]; //ia[1] points to an array of ints of length 3
New Text:
iaa[0] = new int[2]; //iaa[0] points to an array of ints of length 2 iaa[1] = new int[3]; //iaa[1] points to an array of ints of length 3
ia should be iaa (in comments)
Pg: 190
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-09
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 8..3.1
Old Text:
In the case of a method or a field, this keyword must appear immediately before the return type of the method or the type of the field respectively.
New Text:
In the case of a method or a field, this keyword must appear before the return type of the method or the type of the field respectively.
The word "immediately" should be removed.
Pg: 192
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-16
Reported By: Username987654
Location: 8.3.3 - Accessing static members from the same class
Old Text:
new InstanceCounter(); new InstanceCounter(); //accessing static method through an implicit reference to an instance 8.3 Apply the static keyword to methods and fields 193 new InstanceCounter().printCount(); //accessing count through the class name System.out.println(InstanceCounter.count);
New Text:
new InstanceCounter().printCount(); //accessing static method through an implicit reference to an instance System.out.println(InstanceCounter.count); //accessing count through the class name
The two new InstanceCounter() statements are not needed and the comments should be moved to the corresponding statements.
Pg: 217
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-22
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 8.6.1 (first code listing)
Old Text:
private age;
New Text:
private int age;

Pg: 371
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-02-24
Reported By: Flex567
Location: 12.5.3
Old Text:
1. default Predicateor(Predicateother) :
New Text:
1. default Predicateand(Predicateother) :

Pg: 243
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 16
Reported On: 2019-03-02
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 9.2.3 abstract and static
Old Text:
class Bed extends Furniture{
New Text:
abstract class Bed extends Furniture{
class Bed should be abstract. Although the code still won't compile because of the reason mentioned before.
Pg: 263
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 17
Reported On: 2019-03-07
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 9.3.4
Old Text:
B b = new B(); B b = new B(); //creating B’s object again
New Text:
B b = new B(); B b2 = new B(); //creating B’s object again

Pg: 261
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 17
Reported On: 2019-03-09
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 9.3.2 - Constructor chain diagram
Old Text:
New Text:
In the flowchart illustrating the constructor chain flow, the print statements of the two Employee constructors need to be swapped.
Pg: 294
Status: Fixed
Fixed in Build: 17
Reported On: 2019-03-19
Reported By: OCAJ01
Location: 10.4 Exceptions thrown by Application Programmer
Old Text:
datatype != 1 || datatype != 2
New Text:
datatype != 1 && datatype != 2
Not relevant to the discussion but incorrect nonetheless.

Page 3 of 7 Results 21 - 30 of 64